Update on Aluminum Exposure & A Method for Its Detoxification
In a previous article, we discussed the issues of aluminum exposure and toxicity. One of the recommendations for ongoing aluminum removal is daily consumption of silicon-rich drinking water. An important component of this water is silicic acid which is needed to bind chemically to aluminum. Other forms of silica can be beneficial for connective tissue and related structures, e.g., ligaments, hair, but it does not appreciably bind to aluminum, or at least in the optimal way silicic acid does.
Through additional research we have come across some nutritional supplements that seem to contain silicic acid making them a reasonable alternative to purchasing silicon-rich drinking water. The unknown factor in this discussion is the amount of a silicic acid supplement compared to silicon-rich drinking water or if they have the same effect overall. Like many things in health and medicine, there is always more research to be done, but in general, a silicic acid product could be useful.
Here is a list of some supplements containing silicic acid:
• Jarrow Collagen Optimizer – check sources online or in your local health food store
• Jarrow BeautySil Hair & Nails – check online or in your local health food store
• JarroSil Activated Silicon – available on Fullscript