By Kurt N. Woeller, DO Chronic candida has been a well-recognized problem in functional and…

Citric Acid Alkaline Drink & High Oxalate Prevention
By Kurt N. Woeller, DO Citric acid, found naturally in citrus fruits such as grapefruit,…

Therapeutic Diets for Autism
by Kurt N. Woeller, DO, FMAPS Getting kids to eat properly is tough–but it’s a…

Assessing Chronic GI Complaints (Gut Issues)
Gastrointestinal health is a main focus in the field of Naturopathic Medicine. While in school,…

Chronic Candida – Is It Really All About Yeast?
In recent years the increased awareness of molds, fungus, and yeasts in our food and…

Metabolic Syndrome and Weight Loss
According to the American Heart Association, 20-25% of adults suffer from Metabolic Syndrome. This is…